Winner V. Echano
My name is Winner V. Echano 24yrs of age from Labo, Camarines Norte Bicol, Philippines. I am a sporty person, the sports in my past are badminton, billiards, soccer, volleyball, and basketball that I really liked and love.
I am now 3rd-year in college and taking BS Criminology. I am a funny, friendly, and talkative person. Also like reading books.
I started playing chess at the age of 20 when I went to Carmona Cavite for a vacation with my uncle. He has a boarding house there and people always play chess, they invited me to play but I did not know the game yet.
So my uncle taught me how to play chess. Then every morning I would go to my uncle’s computer shop just to watch chess. I have learned the basics of the game, memorized some chess traps, then watch it on YouTube constantly, but could not win a single game with my uncle and his friends for two months.

Once I succeeded I went back to my hometown and immediately bought a chessboard. I always play with my friends Rodinee “Kaspa” Salen and Keoh Paul “Karpo“ Sucilan. Both of them play chess with trash-talking. We also watch Roderick Nava and Biyaherong coach on YouTube (Tagalog language).
My goal was to become a member of our school department chess team and I finally succeeded. We are now competing on a regional level.
Thanks to Coach Goran who gave me a chess book and let me participate in Zoom chess sessions, I have got a new chance to train and play on-line tournaments. I once championed in Smiling Pawn tournament too.
My focus is on studying at school but I always try to give some time to chess, cause it is fun I simply love it. I also play it with my lovely girlfriend Ruff.
Nowadays, I also invest time in teaching young children how to play.